To provide information, insight and solutions to address current and emerging health and wellness needs in our communities


Our residents thrive in a community
free of barriers to health and wellness.


with other entities in addressing emerging health issues


To provide information, insight and solutions to address current and emerging health and wellness needs in our communities.


Our residents thrive in a community
free of barriers to health and wellness.


with other entities in addressing emerging health issues

The Health Council of West Central Florida

The Health Council of West Central Florida (HCWCF) is one of eleven local health planning councils established by Section 408.033, F.S. in 1983. Local health planning councils serve as a network to conduct regional health planning and implementation services. HCWCF is a private non-profit agency governed by a Board of Directors appointed by County Commissioners to represent the concerns of health care consumers, providers, and purchasers at the local level. HCWCF serves residents in Hardee, Highlands, Hillsborough, Manatee and Polk counties.

Our Programs